Phone Reuse
Environmental impact of cell phone waste - According to the United Nations, electronic waste, including cell phones, is the fastest-growing waste stream in the world. In 2019, the world generated 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste, and this number is projected to reach 74.7 million metric tons by 2030.
Value of reusing a cell phone - Choosing to sell and enable reusing an old phones instead of buying a new ones, consumers are helping cut down on energy consumption and emissions from production processes. Its an easy and effective way to help the environment.
Reusing means Fewer resources - Fewer resources are used in the manufacturing process by opting for refurbished phones over new ones. This helps conserve natural materials like rare metals and minerals essential for making smartphones.
Economic benefits - Over 25 million Americans over the age of 15 don’t have smartphones. By selling used phones, people gain access to quality yet affordable devices at a lower cost than purchasing brand-new models.
Recycling - The value of recyclable materials in a single mobile phone can be up to $9, including gold, silver, copper, and palladium. When these materials are recycled, they can be used to create new products, reducing the need for mining and saving energy.
Cell phone recycling rates - According to the Consumer Technology Association, only 17.4% of cell phones are recycled in the United States. This means that the vast majority of phones end up in landfills or are exported to developing countries.
Impact of e-waste on health - E-waste, including cell phones, contains toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium that can contaminate soil and water, causing serious health problems for humans and wildlife. In addition, workers who dismantle e-waste in developing countries are often exposed to these toxic chemicals.
Economic benefits of cell phone recycling - A report by the Global e-Sustainability Initiative found that the global e-waste recycling industry generated $10 billion in revenue in 2019 and created 38,000 jobs. By 2030, the industry is projected to generate $17 billion in revenue and create 70,000 jobs.
Awareness of cell phone recycling - A survey by the Consumer Technology Association found that 74% of Americans say they are aware of the importance of recycling their old electronics, including cell phones. However, only 18% of Americans say they have recycled their cell phone.
Donation of recycled cell phones - Many organizations, including charities and schools, accept donated cell phones for reuse or recycling. These organizations often refurbish the phones and donate them to people in need or sell them to raise funds for their programs.
Huge Amounts of Cell Phone Waste - Unfortunately, the rapid growth of mobile phones leads to a massive amount of e-waste. For instance, the EPA estimates that 350,000 mobile phones were dumped every day in 2010, which adds up to over 152 million phones a year. This is a significant amount of waste that can harm the environment and human health.
Short Phone-to-User Lifespan - Despite devices having a usable lifespan of about seven years, most people only use their phone for about 18 months. This means that a large number of mobile phones are discarded prematurely and end up contributing to the e-waste problem.
Refurbished Phones for Developing Countries - Some recycled phones are broken down into their component parts, but many are refurbished and then resold to users in developing countries. This is a positive aspect of cell phone recycling because people in these countries can buy recycled phones at a cheaper price than a new one, giving them access to communication that they may not have had otherwise.
The E-waste Problem in the US - Americans throw away about 9.4 million tons of electronics every year, making the US the largest e-waste generator in the world. This poses a significant problem for the environment and human health, as e-waste can contain hazardous materials that can contaminate soil and water.
Energy Saving Potential of E-waste Recycling - Recycling electronics can save a significant amount of energy. For instance, one million recycled laptops save the same amount of energy as the energy used in 3,657 homes in the US each year. This shows the potential for e-waste recycling to reduce energy consumption and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Low E-waste Recycling Rates - Despite the benefits of e-waste recycling, most e-waste is simply dumped than recycled, according to the EPA, with just 12.5 percent being recycled. This highlights the need for more efforts to promote e-waste recycling and increase recycling rates.
Asia: The Global Leader in Cell Phone Contracts - More than half of the world's cell phone contracts are in Asia translating into around six billion in numbers. This shows the massive scale of the mobile phone industry and its impact on the environment and human health.
Cellphone Recycling – “The 21stCentury Gold?” - Did you know that the amount of gold recovered from e-waste in 2020 was equivalent to 10% of the total gold mined globally that year? That's right, over 300 tonnes of gold were extracted from discarded electronics, including cellphones, which is roughly the same amount of gold that was mined in all of Ghana in 2020! So, while recycling your old cellphone may seem like a small act, it can actually contribute to a significant reduction in e-waste and the recovery of valuable resources.